Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Peace Baby!

OK, so this had been languishing in the WIP pile for a while now. But I seamed it up today--rather badly, I might add. Whatever. It beats sitting in a pile waiting to be outgrown, right? I *know* I don't have the patience or talent to do the embroidery, and the kiddo is already loving wearing the sweater.  Also no button due to large noggin. 

Peace out.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Politics, part 2

Ok, so no knitting, but I *wished* I'd had my knitting while we waited for... Joe Biden!
After the awful, divisive, hateful sniping I heard at the RNC, it was so great to hear Biden speak.  He talked about issues--not about petty silly issues.  He talked about the
 struggles that people face in their daily lives.  Talked about the
 challenges we face around the world, talked about what it really means to forge compromise, bring people together and find solutions to problems like Social Security, climate change, health care, etc.  It was so clear to me that
 if this election were about issues, it would be a landslide.  Sadly, the GOP has gotten so good at the politics of mass distraction--they would like nothing more than to make this election a referendum on
 Sarah Palin.  And all the while, people continu
e to work, struggle, and hope for a better way. 

 Also speaking was Gov. Ed Rendell--who did a great job of talking about the importance of green-collar jobs, and DR. Jill Biden, who talked about education.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Political Knits

I made tremendous progress on Trellis last week during the DNC. This week, not so much. I wonder why that is. Could it be because I keep throwing things at the teevee? A bad mood is never good for knitting karma. I will have to pick a less throw-able project for the debates.