Sunday, January 4, 2009

Second Hat Down

The kids are now officially ready for winter.  In the second-to-last -day of Christmas Break, I whipped up a quick hat for the little guy yesterday--loosely based on Tiennie's "Norwegian Star Earflap Hat"--except without the earflaps.  I'm not a big fan of how the earflaps look on his giant noggin so I did some ribbing instead.  

This was a fun, quick one and I have to say, I loved they yarn--soft, warm, and slightly fuzzy thanks to a bit of alpaca.    

I made the ribbing extra wide to serve almost like an earwarmer headband and I eliminated all the knit rounds at the top to give the hat a more squared-off shape--kind of like the kid's head.

Unlike my picky daughter, the little guy will wear anything I knit up--hats, scarves, mittens and sweater of any color or material.  

However, also unlike the 6yo, at 2.5, it is impossible to get a
 picture of him unless he's asleep.  So here is a more accurate depiction of the hat at work.

January, bring it on.

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