Sometimes events drive knitting. I tried to get this done for my sister's baby shower last week, but it was missing a sleeve. And a neck. But I got it done and the baby isn't even here yet. The pattern is the child's placket sweater from Joelle Hoverson's "Last Minute Knitted Gifts" and the yarn is Rowan Purelife Cotton. I like the idea of cotton--soft, washable, etc. But we all know it's not as much fun to knit. It's so unforgiving compared to wool--shows every last little mistake--and even things that aren't mistakes, like decreases seem to jump out at you.
That said, I've been wanting to make this for a long time and have had many false starts, so it's nice to finally finish one. It's knit in the round with the sleeves attached and then decreased for the yoke. I did fewer rows in the collar to avoid the "turtleneck" effect that is unflattering on babies.